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Benefits of High Quality Sleep
I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “no rest for the weary” by now. This implies that you must keep persevering no matter how tired or overworked you are. Maybe you live by this expression – waking up at the crack of dawn to get your first workout of the day in, and...
Exercise and Immune System Function
Always Getting Sick? Protect your Immune System When training with a high volume of exercise you face immuno-compromise and must take additional steps to protect your immune system. If you don’t pay attention to immune system recovery, you’re more likely to miss...
Athlete Recovery Smoothie
After a workout, it is important to eat a meal within two hours to replenish energy stores, to increase muscle size and/or muscle quality and to repair any damage caused by the workout. Depending on what you ate before your workout, and how close to your workout you...
Product Review: Endurance Tap
A few months ago I was introduced to Endurance Tap, an all natural alternative to energy gels. After doing some research, I knew it was a product I wanted to try, since it aligns with my nutritional values. As an Obstacle Course Racer, I rely on energy gels in my...
How Much Protein Do You Need?
As an athlete, the general consensus is that you should be consuming 1.2-2 g of protein for every kg of body weight. The average, untrained healthy adult needs about 0.8 g of protein for every kg of body weight to survive. If you are working out with a goal to build...
Why I Don’t Agree With Dieting And 5 Tips You Can Actually Use To Better Your Health
A Certified Holistic Nutritionist shares why she doesn’t like dieting and offers tips for overall health and wellness that are actually maintainable.
Raw Honey Benefits
What’s the difference between raw honey and unpasteurized honey? Learn the benefits and uses for raw honey.
Weekend Dining Hinders Healthy Weight Management
Ah, Monday... The day of new beginnings, when the slate from the previous week is wiped clean. The magic day for re-dos. But that's actually not the case. Did you know? Weekend dining indulgences can slow weight loss efforts and cause people to gain weight, say...