Athlete Recovery Smoothie

Athlete Recovery Smoothie

After a workout, it is important to eat a meal within two hours to replenish energy stores, to increase muscle size and/or muscle quality and to repair any damage caused by the workout. Depending on what you ate before your workout, and how close to your workout you...
How Much Protein Do You Need?

How Much Protein Do You Need?

As an athlete, the general consensus is that you should be consuming 1.2-2 g of protein for every kg of body weight. The average, untrained healthy adult needs about 0.8 g of protein for every kg of body weight to survive. If you are working out with a goal to build...
Raw Honey Benefits

Raw Honey Benefits

I was recently asked in my Private Facebook Community what the difference is between raw honey and unpasteurized honey so I wanted to give an answer to that here while also explaining some of the health benefits of honey. To answer the question, raw honey and...

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